Our Producers

Atlantic Groundfish Council Members

Many of our members have been part of the groundfish fishery for generations and are deeply passionate about its future. As leaders in the industry, they represent the driving force behind “responsibly harvesting for tomorrow”. Across many wharves and communities, our members are mostly family-owned businesses that employ thousands of Atlantic Canadians, both onshore and at sea, in year-round jobs.

Acadian Fish Processors Ltd.
171 Dennis Point Road, Lower-West Pubnico, NS, B0W 2C0, Canada
Richard d’Entremont
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Haddock
  • Cod
  • Pollock
  • Silver Hake
  • Kish Redfish
Charlesville Fisheries
879 Hwy. # 3, R. R. 1, Lower-East Pubnico, NS, Canada
Ray Belliveau, Duane Belliveau
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Atlantic Hallibut
  • Pollock
  • Flounder/Sole
  • Silver Hake
  • Kish Redfish
Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership

Clearwater owns and operates 21 vessels, including one research vessel, harvesting wild-caught shellfish from the cold, clear waters of the North Atlantic and the temperate waters of the Argentine Continental Shelf.

Clearwater species are processed in 12 company facilities around the world including six processing facilities across Atlantic Canada and four processing facilities in the United Kingdom.  There are four facilities in Nova Scotia and two in Newfoundland and Labrador. These six facilities receive and ship a variety of Clearwater’s core species, including scallops, lobster, clams, shrimp, sea cucumber and snow crab. In 2015, Clearwater acquired Scotland-based Macduff Shellfish, Europe’s leading shellfish company. Macduff currently operates four processing facilities located throughout the United Kingdom.

Clearwater exports to a wide range of shellfish and Greenland halibut to various markets including Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America.

757 Bedford Highway, Bedford, NS, Canada
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Greenland Halibut (Turbot)
Harbour Grace Shrimp Co. Ltd
P. O. Box 580 Harbour Grace NL, A0A 2M0, Canada
Steinar Engeset
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Greenland Halibut (Turbot)
Icewater Seafoods Inc.

Icewater Seafoods Inc. is a family-owned company that operates the largest cod processing facility in North America, employing more than 200 people in Arnold’s Cove, Newfoundland. CEO Alberto Wareham is a 6th generation Newfoundlander whose ancestor (also named Alberto) emigrated from England, settled in Placentia Bay in the early 1800s, and with his brother operated a salt cod trading business with England and Portugal.

P.O. Box 89, Arnold’s Cove, NL, Canada
Alberto Wareham
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Cod
  • Atlantic Halibut
Inshore Fisheries Ltd.

Inshore Fisheries Limited is a third generation owned and operated fish processing and harvesting company, who provide fresh and frozen groundfish products. The company operates three vessels and has purchase agreements with other harvesting companies.

95 Dennis Point Road, Lower West Pubnico, Nova Scotia, Canada
Shawn d’Entremont
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Haddock
  • Cod
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Kish Redfish
Island Fishermen Cooperative Association Ltd.

Island Fishermen Cooperative Association is a harvester-owned cooperative in Laméque, New Brunswick that harvests, processes and sells a number of shellfish species and has groundfish quotas fished in partnership with other producers.

90 rue Principale Street Lameque NB E8T 1M8
Brian Bezeau
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Greenland Halibut
  • Yellowtail Flounder
Lahave Seafoods Limited

Lahave Seafoods Limited is a family-owned harvesting company located in Lahave, Nova Scotia. The company harvest groundfish and scallops.

3407 Hwy 331 Lahave NS, B0R 1C0, Canada
Ryan Himmelman
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Monkfish
Les Produits Belle Baie Ltd and Caramer Ltd.

Les Produits Belle Baie and related company, Caramer Ltd., is mainly a shellfish and pelagic processing company located in Caraquet, New Brunswick and exports across North America and Europe. The company also owns groundfish quotas which it harvests in partnership with local fishing companies.

10 rue du Quai Street Caraquet NB, E1W 1B6, Canada
Fernand Brideau
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Pollock
  • Flounder/Sole
  • Kish Redfish
Louisbourg Seafoods Ltd. and Ka’Le Bay Seafoods Ltd

Louisbourg Seafoods Ltd., located in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, is a family operated seafood business started in 1984 that focuses mainly on shellfish species. Ka’Le Bay Seafoods Ltd., located in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia is a related company that harvests, processes and markets groundfish species from Atlantic Canada.  The company harvests with their own fleet of vessels and has direct control over each stage of production.

501 Main Street, Glace Bay, NS, B1A 5V4, Canada
Jan Voutier
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Cod
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Haddock
  • Pollock
  • Sole
  • Flounder
  • Kish Redfish
Mersey Seafoods Ltd.

Mersey Seafoods Ltd. is a family-owned company located in Liverpool, Nova Scotia that harvests groundfish and shellfish species. Mersey owns a fleet of four large fishing vessels harvesting northern shrimp, offshore scallops and groundfish, as well as a modern scallop processing facility in Liverpool, NS and a large cold storage facility in Country Harbour, NS. The company employs over 200 people and ships product to Asia, Europe and throughout North America.

26 Bristol Ave. Liverpool NS, B0T 1K0, Canada
Alan Cameron
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Haddock
  • Kish Redfish
Nordic Fishing Company Ltd.

Nordic Fishing Company, located in Liverpool, Nova Scotia and related company M.V. Osprey Ltd, are harvesting companies who fish northern shrimp and Greenland halibut.

P.O.Box 1000, Liverpool, NS, B0t 1K0, Canada
Ulf Snarby
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Cod
  • Flounder
  • Greenland Halibut
  • Pollock
  • Kish Redfish
Nova's Finest Fisheries Inc.

Nova’s Finest Fisheries Inc is a family-owned harvesting company located and fishing from West Pubnico, Nova Scotia.

260 Dennis Point Road Lower West Pubnico NS, B0W 2C0, Canada
Gilly d’Entremont
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Catfish
  • Cod
  • Cusk
  • Flounder/Sole
  • Haddock
  • Monkfish
  • Pollock
  • Kish Redfish
Ocean Choice International

A leader in the Canadian fishing industry, Ocean Choice is vertically integrated from ocean to plate. The company sustainably harvests, produces and markets a full range of groundfish, shellfish, and pelagic species. With 1,500 employees and sales offices in North America, Europe and Asia each year Ocean Choice’s sells 15 species to over 30 countries worldwide.

P. O. Box 8274, Station A St. John's NL, A1B 3N4, Canada
Chris Curran
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Cod
  • Flounder/Sole
  • Greenland Halibut (Turbot)
  • Haddock
  • Hake
  • Monkfish
  • Kish Redfish
Premium Seafoods Limited

Premium Seafoods Group is located in Arichat, Nova Scotia and is a family-owned business producing mainly fresh and frozen shellfish for export to Asia, Europe and elsewhere in North America. The company also owns groundfish quotas that it harvests in partnership with other AGC members.

PO Box 39 Arichat NS, B0E 1A0, Canada
Michelle Samson
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Cod
  • Kish Redfish
Scotia Harvest Inc.

Scotia Harvest Inc. is a vertically integrated seafood company located in Seabrook, Nova Scotia. The company harvests groundfish and shellfish with a fleet of eight vessels and process at their Digby processing facility.

144 Water St. Digby NS, B0V 1A0, Canada
Alain d’Entremont
Groundfish Species Produced:
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • Cod
  • Flounder/Sole
  • Haddock
  • Pollock
  • Kish Redfish